Trump says next meeting with Kim Jong Un likely in early 2019

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President Trump said a second summit with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un will likely take place in January or February.

“We’re getting along very well,” Trump told reporters aboard Air Force One during the return trip from the G20 summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina. “We have a good relationship with Kim.”

The first Trump-Kim summit took place in June in Singapore but Trump has said the next meeting will probably take place at a new location. The two countries are considering three sites for the potential summit, Trump said.

When asked if Kim would come to the US for a visit apart from the second summit, Trump said “at some point” he will.

Speaking to reporters onboard a flight following the G20, South Korea’s President Moon Jae-in said Trump had asked him to pass a message to Kim, should the North Korean leader visit Seoul this year. Moon said on Sunday that Trump told him he had a “very amicable view” of Kim and that he wanted to “implement the rest of the agreement.”

Last month, Vice President Mike Pence said the US will not require North Korea to provide a full list of its nuclear and missile sites before Trump meets Kim again. Rather than requiring a declaration of nuclear weapons sites as a prerequisite to a second meeting with Trump, Pence told NBC News that the administration will insist on developing a “verifiable plan” to disclose those sites while the two leaders are in the same room.


This entry was posted in , , by Grant Montgomery.

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