Kim Jong Un received ‘personal letter’ from Trump, says North Korean state media

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North Korean leader Kim Jong Un received a “personal letter” from US President Donald Trump, according to North Korean state news agency KCNA, which reported that Kim “said with satisfaction that the letter is of excellent content,” after reading it.

“Kim Jong Un said that he would seriously contemplate the serious content” and appreciated the “extraordinary courage of President Trump,” KCNA added.

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders confirmed a letter was exchanged, saying, “A letter was sent by President Trump and correspondence between the two leaders has been ongoing.”

Earlier this month, Trump told reporters about a “beautiful letter” he received from Kim, the first since the February summit in Hanoi that saw both leaders leave empty-handed. “I appreciated the letter,” Trump said at the time. He did not reveal the contents of the letter.

An administration official described the letter as a “birthday greeting.” Trump’s birthday was that week and the official says Kim wished the President good health.


This entry was posted in , by Grant Montgomery.

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