More on the father of Choe Ryong-Hae having done what Kim Il-sung claimed

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According to sources quoted in South Korea’s Chosun Ilbo, one of the most powerful figures in Pyongyang is expected to fall victim to Kim Jong-un’s purges, as the North Korean leader trains his sights on a rival who could expose a lie about a key moment in the communist regime’s history.

Evidence suggests that it was the father of 64-year-old Choe Ryong-Hae, the joint chairman of the all-powerful Politburo Presidium who led an attack against the Japanese later claimed by Kim’s grandfather to legitimize the ruling dynasty.  Whereas North Korea’s version of the struggle against the Japanese occupation of the Korean peninsula claims that Kim Il-sung, revered as the founder of the nation, led the June 1937 assault.

Ken Kato, a researcher and human rights activist, said that the stories undermined Kim Il-sung’s reputation as the heroic father of the nation.

This entry was posted in , by Grant Montgomery.

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